Don’t get discouraged if you see very little movement in your business after starting a marketing campaign. Wanting to grow quick and fast is not always ideal for a small business owner. You may not be equipped with the right tools, equipment, staff, etc. You will find that growth is good but it is better Read More
Category: Small Business Marketing Services
“I became succe…
“I became successful due to several reasons. I never gave up and I never let anyone or anything get in my way. I use the power of positive thinking to tackle obstacles and challenges so they don’t defeat me.” Lillian Vernon, founder Lillian Vernon Corporation Being successful means never giving up…
“Some people pl…
“Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you’ve signed up for a season, see it through. You don’t have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.” — Jim Rohn
I Love What I Do!!!
This is a cooment from a small business owner that attended one of my trainings last week… “Thank you, Stephanie for the great training on Networking 101 on Tuesday! I learned how to have more confidence in myself and my business. Also the opportunities out there in the networking field, I enjoyed the help from Read More
Now Booking Speaking Engagements!!!
Now Booking Speaking Engagements!!! Would you like me to come and speak in front of your business or group? Some of my topics include: Balancing Family and Entrepreneurship Low Cost Marketing Solutions for Small Business Owners Networking 101- Intro to Networking The Importance of Goal Setting Following Your Dreams I also have other topics in Read More
For the past few weeks, I have been busy with trainings, attending networking events, and meeting new clients. I blinked and the month of March is just about done. What have you done in the month of March to set you apart from every other business? Have you created short term and long term goals Read More
Networking 101 Training
Diversity Solutions Marketing is having a Networking 101 Training on March 26th from 600pm-8pm in East Plano. This is a training for business owners that are not familiar with networking. If you would like information on being an effective networker, harnessing your 30 second introduction, the meaning of a one on one appointment, then this Read More
New Office Space
Great news to share. Starting in March through the month of May, Diversity Solutions Marketing will office out of THIS SIDE UP! Family FUN Center on select Tuesdays and Thursdays from 930am-230pm. It’s a great partnership with such a wonderful organization that I hold very close to my heart that reaches out to families.
Brainstorming Session Recap
On March 7th, Diversity Solutions Marketing had an evening brainstorming session for women entrepreneurs at Décor Drapes Antiques & More which is a small business located in east Plano. Nine were in attendance and I truly believe that everyone, including myself walked away with new ideas for their business. Brainstorming is a great way to Read More
Overcoming Fear
‘You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore” -Christopher Columbus This is one of my favorite quotes. It deals with overcoming fear. As a small business owner, what fears are holding you back? Are you afraid of taking your business from one level to the next? Read More